Step Into Your Birthright

Speaker. Subconscious Therapist(RTT). Author. Poet. Creative. Spiritual and inner child healing coach.


Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) sessions blend hypnosis, neuroscience, natural language processing (NLP), psychotherapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to assist individuals in accessing their subconscious and overcoming the root obstacles impeding their progress. This approach has gained global acclaim for its effectiveness in enabling individuals to discover inner peace, boost confidence, and break free from past limitations. Importantly, this work delves into inner child healing. The origin of all limiting beliefs lies here. I genuinely believe that you knew you were enough when you arrived in this world! Your young spirit instinctively recognized that you didn't have to prove your worth to receive love and abundance. You knew it was your inherent birthright to be worthy of all life's good things. As you grew, the world may have tried to plant seeds of doubt in your mind, but deep down, that inherent sense of self-worth never truly left you. It's time to reconnect with that inner knowing and embrace the truth that you deserve love, success, and happiness simply because you exist. Remember, you are enough just as you are, and the world is waiting for you to step into your power and shine brightly. This is how RTT can help you rediscover your inner wisdom and live a life that aligns with your true self: liberated, enthusiastic, and purposeful.

Did you know the Subconscious Mind controls 95% of your life?

That’s right! Your decisions, beliefs, behaviours, and patterns are all shaped by the conditioning of your subconscious mind, which develops in early childhood and operates beyond conscious awareness.

Here are some intriguing insights:

  • The subconscious mind interprets everything literally.

  • The subconscious mind remains active at all times.

  • The subconscious mind operates on habits.

  • The subconscious mind functions like a computer processor.

  • The subconscious mind is primal.

  • The subconscious mind is capable of multitasking.

Welcome, I’m Jessica J. Seron

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth? Do you feel like no matter what you do, you never feel like you are enough? Do you find yourself repeatedly drawn into toxic or narcissistic relationships? Do you often conceal your true self for fear of being fully recognized by the world or others and then rejected? Are you tired of doubting your abilities? Now is the moment to address core wounds from your childhood. Your early years lay the foundation for your future, shaping who you become. If your beginnings were not ideal for your growth, there's no need to fret. This showcases the beauty and power of transformation. Together, we can unlock the power within you and help you realize that you are more than enough. You can achieve the transformative change you most desire with willingness and guidance. Remember, Rome was not built in a day!

Let's embark on this journey together and pave the way for a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Public Speaking

Over 1,000 presentations have been successfully delivered by Jessica J. Seron across Canada both in person and virtually. Topics include impaired hunting, substance abuse, vaping, choices and mental health. During her career, she taught in high schools, prisons, as well as in professional settings. During these presentations, real case scenarios are used, as well as research and discussion. Participants will learn about resources for information and support, reflection questions, and strategies for self-improvement

Whether you are looking for individual therapy or group sessions, my services result in clients being blown away because their lives become positively unrecognizable. Together we unlock your subconscious mind’s negative beliefs, behaviours and emotions, and I give you tools to release these states. These powerful sessions can elevate your career, self-discovery and growth, and quality of relationships.

“Growth occurs once you stop sleepwalking through life.”

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Are you ready to take the first step towards unlocking your true potential? Don't wait another moment! Schedule a discovery call today and embark on a transformative journey.

Together, we'll identify your goals, challenges, and aspirations, creating a customized roadmap to success. Book your call online now and discover the path to a brighter future!